Co-ordinators' concerns: ICT and OFSTED

Primary History feature

By Tim Lomas, published 1st December 2012


Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum.

There is an expectation that we extensively use information technology across the curriculum. I don't mind this but I've always felt a bit uncomfortable. Using it with history always seems to compromise the quality of the history. I am worried though that if I don't I will get criticised both by the senior managers in the school and in any Ofsted inspection.


There has been a fair amount of criticism of ICT teaching in schools both in terms of motivating children and in preparation for an adult world. The recent Royal Society Report, "Shut Down or Restart? The way forward for computing in UK schools" painted a rather sorry picture. They pointed to the myth that computers were the answer to stimulating and motivating pupil interest in the classroom. On the contrary they pointed out that the design and delivery of ICT and computing in schools is putting many young people off...

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