Chartered Teacher (CTHist) terms and conditions

Please read the terms and conditions carefully before you apply. Please also refer to the criteria set out in the Q&A here (Primary) and here (Secondary).
- The Chartered Teacher programme is open to all history educators in a variety of settings and circumstances, including primary, secondary, special schools, FE colleges and heritage educators in the UK and beyond. The status is only available to individuals. It is available for 3 years, after which re-assessment is necessary.
- You must be an individual member or your organisation must be a corporate member of the Historical Association and your digital Chartered Teacher Profile will be attached to your online membership account. It is possible to transfer your Chartered Teacher status but you will need to continue membership of the HA throughout the period of your award. This means that if you move post, the new institution must have corporate membership unless you have individual membership.
Find out more about HA Primary Membership | Secondary Membership
- Any new post must not affect your ability to continue to meet the criteria and you must inform us of any change in your job or in your job circumstances that may affect your eligibility to continue to hold Chartered Teacher status, for example a prolonged period of leave or unemployment, retirement or a move into a position that will move you away from regular and sustained involvement with the teaching of history in any given context. Maternity, paternity or sickness leave are exempt from these terms and conditions and in these circumstances although you must inform the HA. In such instances, your Chartered Teacher status will be frozen for the period of your leave. Other circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.
- All applicants must pay a fee (currently £100 in the UK) to submit an application for Chartered Teacher status and upon award continue to pay an annual fee (currently £20 in the UK) on top of HA membership fees. Failure to do so will result in the removal of Chartered Teacher status. The fee is non-refundable for an unsuccessful application.
- All applicants will have a maximum of 2 assessment windows in which they may submit an application. If you register but fail to submit an application after 2 possible assessment windows, your registration will be removed and you will lose your registration fee. A new registration will then be necessary.
- Your application may be rejected if you are considered to have supplied insufficient evidence although you may be asked for further evidence which must be provided within the deadline. Where it is considered that you do not meet the criteria, your fee may be refunded minus an administration fee (currently £25) to cover initial work done by the HA.
- All applicants should use the HA online evidence upload facility. This must be complete by the assessment window deadline that you have applied for. If you do not inform us that you are ready for assessment, your application will be carried over to the following assessment window or if it is already the second assessment window and you fail to submit, you will need to start the registration process again.
- All successful Chartered Teachers of History are expected to keep an annual log of their professional development to demonstrate completion of at least 35 hours of history-focused professional development. This should be logged in the Chartered Teacher file upload and will be subject to random monitoring. If selected, you will need to submit evidence of your participation and impact of all relevant professional development over a year.
- The HA reserves the right to remove Chartered Teacher status in cases where the individual:
- has submitted false or misleading evidence
- misuses or misrepresents the award.
- fails to keep up the yearly CPD log or submit full evidence if requested
- fails to pay the relevant fees.
- Applicants may use the appeals process if they feel a decision is unjustified. The decision after an appeal is final.
- The HA reserves the right to review the process and criteria and to make appropriate changes. These changes will not apply to applicants going through the process.
- The Historical Association operates in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (from 25 May 2018) and UK Data Protection Act. We promise to use your data in a fair, transparent and ethical way. We collect your personal information in order to fulfil your Chartered Teacher contract with us, and provide you with the services you have signed up for. We have procedures and security features in place to keep your data secure.
By registering for the Chartered Teacher (CTHist) programme and as part of the service, you are opting in to inclusion on an email distribution list to provide you with updates about the programme and put you in touch with other Chartered Teachers. Your email address will be visible to other members of the CTHist email distribution list.
You can ask to see what information we hold about you, request changes to the data, or instruct us to delete it at any time; however, this may mean we are no longer able to deliver the benefits you have paid for or keep you updated about the programme. For further information please see our Privacy Policy.