School war memorials as the subject for enquiry-based learning
Primary History article

“In grateful memory of former scholars of this school”
A visit to a local war memorial to coincide with Remembrance Day leaves a lasting legacy. Every year, groups of primary school children visit a war memorial in their town and village or local church, and increasingly benefit from educational visits to sites of remembrance such as the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas in Staffordshire and the World War I battlefields in Belgium and northern France. They might examine the features of memorials like carvings, figures and inscriptions, and then photograph and sketch them and record the wars, dates and names of those killed. Clearly such activities have to be undertaken sensitively and in an age-appropriate way. Charities like the War Memorials Trust and the Royal British Legion have developed an excellent range of free educational resources for primary schools about war memorials and remembrance (Cavender 2014). In addition to history, the study of war memorials offers the potential for cross-curricular learning, for instance, with art and design, citizenship and personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE), computing, English, geography and religious education (RE)...
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