The Medlicott Medal 2023

Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch to be awarded the 2023 Medlicott Medal
We are pleased to announce that Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch is to be awarded the Medlicott Medal for outstanding services and current contributions to history.
The award seeks to recognise individuals from a diversity of backgrounds in their service to history. Professor MacCulloch has an extensive academic CV, some of which is included at the end of the article. As well as being an outstanding scholar in his field and a regular contributor to TV and radio he is also a long-standing member of the Historical Association.
Diarmaid MacCulloch, DD, FBA, FRHistS, FSA, Emeritus Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford, Fellow of St Cross College, Oxford, and prize-winning author, has written extensively on the sixteenth century and beyond it. His History of Christianity: the first three thousand years (Penguin/Allen Lane), and the BBC TV series based on it, first appeared in 2009; the book won the Cundill Prize, the world’s largest prize for history, in 2010. His three-part TV series for BBC2 How God made the English aired in March 2012, and his BBC2 series Sex and the Church aired in early 2015. He has written Silence: a Christian history (2013) and his collected essays on the Reformation appeared in 2016 as All Things New: writings on the Reformation. His Thomas Cromwell: a life appeared in 2018. He was knighted in the UK New Year’s Honours List of 2012.
Read our interview with Professor MacCulloch in the spring edition of HA News.
HA Awards Evening 2023
The Medlicott Medal was presented to Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch at the HA Annual Awards Evening in July in Central London on 12 July.
A recording and the script of Diarmaid MacCulloch's Medlicott talk are available on our website.