The Queen's Platinum Jubilee
How the HA is marking our patron Queen Elizabeth II's long reign

This summer our patron, Queen Elizabeth II, has her Platinum Jubilee. It is the longest reign of any British monarch. For many of us in the UK and abroad, she is the only head of state that we have ever known. In those 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways.
To mark this long reign, the HA is launching a number of initiatives:
70 years - 70 ‘things’ that tell our story
We would like to put together a collection of 70 ‘things’ that tell the story of the last 70 years: how the UK and the world have changed; how they have developed; how they have remained the same; the people who have left an impact; and the things that have led to changes or continuity. Each of the things needs to be able to be represented in one image.
We are inviting members of the HA, school groups, historians and interested members of the public to send us their entries for what should be included in the ‘70 years – 70 “things” that tell our story’ project. Find out more
HA Branches
HA Branches are being encouraged to put on a talk or lecture during 2022 that is connected to the Platinum Jubilee. Please contact your local branch for details. There will also be a Jubilee-themed Virtual Branch talk in July 2022 – speaker to be confirmed.
The Historian
Our journal for our lifelong learners and general membership, The Historian, will have a Jubilee-themed edition in the summer of 2022. It will also include articles on changes over the last 70 years. If you are interested in supplying any articles for that edition or any other editions of The Historian, please find out more or send your enquiries to
Primary History: Platinum Jubilee edition
The spring 2022 edition of Primary History provides a wide range of ideas to use when celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. There are ideas for investigating the Gold State Coach, and how you might explore the idea of jubilee medals; suggestions of activities related to jubilee celebrations; ideas for books to add to your library related to the Queen, and recommendations on using artefacts.
Additional activities for schools
The Great Debate
As the world has changed in many ways over the 70 years of the Queen’s reign, we are using change as a key theme for many of our activities. The Great Debate, our school debating competition, is addressing that issue of change as this year’s topic: The 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II has seen global and widespread changes including in: societal infrastructure, industry, rural life, the environment, and ideas: Which changes of the last 70 years have affected your local area the most?
Schemes of Work
The HA Primary Committee has been developing lessons and exploring how it can support educational schemes of work for the Jubilee. Two new schemes of work are now available, for Key Stages 1 and 2:
Student Zone guide: modern Britain
Look out too for a new dedicated unit on modern Britain coming to our Student Zone area later this year. This unit will look at key formative political and social changes in the twentieth century and more.
We are also hoping to develop a range of materials to support the ‘70 years – 70 “things” that tell our story’ project and to share the findings of the project. Keep your eyes peeled for further information coming soon.
Webinar on demand: Planning a Primary Platinum Jubilee
This free member webinar offers lots of suggestions for a whole school celebration in primary schools from EYFS to Year 6. Find out about educational, engaging enquiry-based activities to enhance learning in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 National Curriculum units, while having fun, marking 70 years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.