Why did some British people in the 1950s describe themselves as new Elizabethans?

Learning Objectives:

To identify the kind of links that some British people in 1953 would have made with the old Elizabethan period and their likely reasons for doing this.


Possible Teaching Objective

Using ICT (Microsoft Word is fine for this) find an image of a blank mug from the internet. Paste two copies of the mug on the document to be used by pupils.


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  • Also supply a copy of the Elizabethan images (miniatures) used in the card sort as a separate document. Pupils can then cut and paste these images onto the mugs.
  • Encourage pupils to find their own images for the 1940s and 1950s side of the mug. They should have their rough ideas on paper and can type in key words into an internet search engine being careful to observe any copyright restrictions on downloading images. The text, however, must be their own.
  • Pupils then proceed to cut and paste three Elizabethan images on one side of the mug and three images from the 1940s and ‘50s on the other side.
  • A text box can then be added to the side of each image and their explanations filled in.
  • Pupils then print off a copy of the two mugs.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Pupils will have chosen three aspects of both periods for their 1950s interpretation coronation mugs.
  • They will have described what the images are and how they fit within their period.
  • They should also have explained why the British of the 1950s would have selected these images when describing themselves as the new Elizabethans.

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