Early Modern
Traditionally, the Early Modern period covers the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries and we have kept to this tradition. Empires and the dominance of trade have a strong presence in the history of this period and that is seen and felt on a global scale. The podcasts here explore how those to factors also influence social history and cultural legacies. Read more
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The Mali Empire (1226-1670)
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The Early British Slave Trade
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Native North Americans in Britain
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Families and the English Atlantic Empire, 1550-1650
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The Relationship between the North American Colonies and the Stuarts
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The Western magical tradition
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Early British America
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The Mayflower voyage and the English settlement of North America
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The Ottoman impact on the development of Islam
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The Ottoman impact on their subjects
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The Kingdom of Benin 1500-1750
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The Songhay Empire 1450-1591
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The Kingdom of Kongo 1400-1709
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The Kingdoms and Empires of Oyo and Dahomey 1608-1800
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From Rebellion to Republic
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The Rise of the Spanish Empire in the New World
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The Origins of the British Empire
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The British Empire in India
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The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
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The British Empire: Relations with the American colonies
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