In this section we cover the period of time from the fifth century to the late-fifteenth. The role of the Vikings as explorers, invaders and settlers is explored. Also under discussion are the religious schisms that shaped some of the most important events of the medieval period. Read more
An introduction to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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The Baltic Crusades
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An Introduction to Late Medieval and Renaissance Poland & Lithuania
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Women and the Crusades in Europe and the Near East
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The Albigensian Crusade
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Women & the Baltic Crusades
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The Crusades in the Iberian Peninsula
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The Spanish Jewish Expulsion
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The Hundred Years War
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The Vikings
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Christianity and Medieval European Life
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Jewish-Christian Relations between 1100-1600
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New Interpretations of the Bible
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The Great Schism
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Charlemagne and the Carolingians
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