
Starting with the nineteenth century and bringing us right up to the debates of today this section contains many insightful podcasts that explore the recent and current world around us. Included here are the arguments around the legacy of war and the impact of social change. The history of social and civil movements and modern debate about religion and technology. Read more

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  • The Origins of the Victorian Women's Movement


    In this podcast Professor June Hannam of the University of the West of England looks at the origins of the Victorian Women's Movement and how the movement developed in the 19th century

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  • UK Women's Movement: How did Women achieve the Vote?


    In this podcast Professor June Hannam of the University of the West of England looks at the key forces that led to women achiving the vote in the early 20th century.

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  • Origins of the Northern Irish Civil Rights Movement


    In this podcast Dr Stuart Aveyard of Queens University Belfast looks at the origins of the Northern Irish Civil rights movement that developed in the 60s and 70s and the impact of Bloody Sunday.

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  • Domestic impact of World War I


    In this podcast Professor Richard Grayson of Goldsmiths, University of London, looks at the domestic impact of World War I on the U.K.

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  • The Irish War of Independence and the Civil War


    In this podcast Dr Fearghal McGarry examines the Irish War of Independence and the Civil War.

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  • The Great War and the Easter Rising


    In this podcast Dr Fearghal McGarry of Queens University Belfast discusses the Easter Rising.

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  • The Movement for Irish Home Rule/Independence between 1891 & 1914


    In this podcast Dr Matthew Kelly looks at how the movement toward Home Rule and Independence developed between 1891 and 1914 and the divisions that it created within Ireland and within Britain.

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  • The Development of the Irish Nationalist and Unionist Movements in the 19th Century


    In this podcast Dr Matthew Kelly of the University of Southampton discusses how the Nationalist and Unionist movements developed during the 19th century, looking at their initial objectives and the impacts these movements had on Anglo-Irish relations.

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  • The Irish Famine


    In this podcast Professor Peter Gray examines the impact and significance of the Irish Famine and looks at why it was so devastating.

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  • Britain & Ireland in the early 19th Century


    In this podcast Professor Peter Gray of Queen's University Belfast looks at the origins of the demands for a change to the constitutional relationship between Britain and Ireland in the early 19th century and the factors that were leading to division between the Catholic and Protestant communities in this period.

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  • Second Wave Feminism as a personal journey


    In this podcast Ms Jean Spence discusses how she discovered feminism and how being part of the feminist movement changed both hers and many other womens lives.

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  • How did the UK Women's Movement develop and change after enfranchisement?


    In this podcast Dr Anne Logan of the University of Kent looks at how the Women's Movement developed and changed in the years subsequent to achieving the vote.

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  • Problems in the UK during the 1920s and 30s


    In this podcast Professor Keith Laybourn of the University of Huddersfield examines the key social, political and economic problems of the 1920s and 30s.

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  • Gladstone and Disraeli - Reform and Rivalry


    In this podcast Professor Eric Evans discusses the relationship and rivalry between Gladstone and Disraeli and their reforms.

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  • The Legacy of Joseph Banks


    In this podcast Dr Jordan Goodman discusses the legacy of Joseph Banks. In 1778, Joseph Banks (1743-1820) was elected President of the Royal Society, a post he held until his death.

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  • The Parliament Act of 1911


    In this podcast Dr Rosie Kennedy of Goldsmiths College, University of London discusses the origins and significance of the Parliament Act of 1911, the historic confrontation between the House of Lords and the House of Commons and the emergence of a more democratic political system.

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  • Charles Darwin's Early Life & the Voyage of the Beagle


    In this podcast Professor Jim Secord and Dr Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project look at Darwin's early life, education and the Voyage of the Beagle.

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  • The Challenger Expedition


    In this podcast Dr Jordan Goodman looks at the Challenger Expedition and its' scientific significance. The Challenger expedition of 1872 to 1876 was a scientific exercise that made many discoveries to lay the foundation of oceanography. The expedition was named after the mother vessel, HMS Challenger.

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  • The Life & Ideas of Thomas Paine


    In this set of podcasts Emeritus Professor W. A. Speck of the University of Leeds looks at the life and ideas of Thomas Paine.

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  • Darwin: Human Evolution & Darwin's Legacy


    In this podcast Professor Jim Secord and Dr Alison Pearn of the Darwin Correspondence Project examine the significance of the publication of Darwin's 'The Descent of Man', theological controversy, Darwin's family and Darwin's legacy.

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