Richard II and the Peasants' Revolt
Medieval British History

Taxation, Corruption and Revolt
In this podcast Dr James Davis of Queens University Belfast discusses the reign of Richard II and the origins and significance of the Peasants' Revolt.
1. Richard II & the Peasants' Revolt: Introduction.
2. The Poll Tax and Political Corruption. The revolts starts in Essex and quickly spreads.
3. Localised rebel agendas. Not just peasants but traders, gentry and clerics.
4. The rebels enter London. The 'true' commons not anti the King but his advisers.
5. Richard meets the rebels. Watt Tyler and radical demands.
6. Causes of the revolt. Class conflict? The Black Death.
7. Economic opportunities of peasants being frustrated by landlords and government.
8. Violent reassertion of royal control, John Bull & the achievements of the revolt.
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