Britain in the Age of Revolutions
Video podcast series by History Hub, Royal Holloway, University of London
Published: 10th July 2020

Britain in the Age of Revolutions
In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, staff and students explore British responses to the American and French Revolutions. This playlist includes videos looking at the origins of the American Revolution; specific questions like ‘Why didn’t French-Canadians join the revolution?; and actor readings of key interventions from figures like John Wilkes and Thomas Paine. Note: click the icon in the top right corner to see the complete playlist.
See more videos in the History Hub series:
- Anglo-Saxons and Normans
- King John and Magna Carta
- Henry III, Simon de Montfort and the origins of parliament
- The Peasants' Great Revolt
- Tudor Rebellions
- The English Civil War
- Britain in the Age of Revolutions
- Radical protest in the 19th century
- Peterloo
- The abolition of slavery
- Chartism and the Anti-Corn Law League
- Reforming parliament
- 19th-century social reform
- Workers' rights and trade unions
- Votes for women