History of Electricity
The History of the Royal Society

Discovering Electricity
In this series of podcasts Dr Patricia Fara of Clare College, Cambridge, examines the role of the Royal Society in the development of electricity.
1. What work was done on electricity before the 18th century?
2. Who was Francis Hauksbee (1660-1713)?
3. The Leyden Jar and the Voltaic Pile.
4. Electricity as a source of entertainment.
5. Early applications in medicine and Benjamin Franklin's lightening conductor.
6. John Walsh & Electricity in Living Animals. Alessandro Volta & current electricity. Henry Cavendish.
7. The significance of Volta's work?
8. Galvani vs. Volta.
9. The impact of these experiments on the public.
10. Ampère & communication between London and Paris.
11. Who was Michael Faraday?
12. How well known was his work?
13. Humphrey Davy electricity and chemistry.
14. James Clerk Maxwell & his Equations.
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