The First Crusade - Causes and Consequences
Medieval World History

Byzantine Appeals
In this podcast Professor Jonathan Riley-Smith gives an outline of events and causes of the First Crusade.
1. Outline of Events and Causes of the First Crusade: Byzantine Appeals & Jerusalem.
2. The response in the West: the desire to unite the churches & the Gregorian reform movement.
3. Renewal and Liberation: a crusade to liberate the Eastern Church, a penitential and voluntary war.
4. Voluntary crusaders: the consequences of making the crusade a pilgrimage, enthusiasm and persecution.
5. How did people respond? Landowner motives for going to war. The liberation of a place: Jerusalem. Women, the holy sepulchre & relic snatching.
6. Remission of sins after years of terrible violence in western Europe.
7. The financial burden of going to war.
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