The Nazi Economy

In this podcast, Dr Christopher Dillon of King's College London, discusses the importance of the German economy to the rise of the Nazi Party and discusses the development of the Nazi economy between 1933 and 1945.
1. What was the state of the German Economy after the Wall Street Crash? What impact did it have on the German people?
2. What attempts were made by the German Government between 1929 and 1933 to combat their failing economy? How did the Great Depression influence German politics during this period?
3. What were the Nazi’s economic objectives when they assumed control in 1933? What changes did they initiate?
4. How important was military expansion to the Nazi economy? How did they finance this?
5. What role did race play in the pre-war Nazi economy?
6. What was the state of the German economy on the eve of war? How popular were Nazi economic policies by 1939?
7. How did the German economy develop during the war? How significant was forced labour to the German war economy?
8. What was the state of the German economy at the end of the war?
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