How unified was Germany in 1914?
Unity and diversity
![German soldiers, some with flowers others waving or raising their clenched fists, in a railroad car on the way to the front during early World War I (1914). Messages on the car spell out (approximately): "Trip to Paris", "See you later on the Boulevard", "[obscured by flowers] the fight". Public Domain.](
In this podcast Dr Colin Storer of the University of Warwick looks at how unified Germany was on the eve of World War I. This podcast looks at the religious, linguistic and ethnic divides in Germany. How different was life for people living in towns rather than the countriside? What kind of class differences were there? Dr Storer also examines the extent to which citizens of Germany believed in the unified state and saw themselves as German citizens.
1. How unified was Germany in 1914? Introduction.
2. Local and regional identities.
3. State initiatives that bring about a sense of German-ness.
4. Religious identities.
5. Class division and the urban/rural divide.
6. Linguistic diversity.
7. How effective is the state in mobilising this diverse group into getting behind the war effort?
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