Tracy Borman: Elizabeth’s Women
The hidden story of the Virgin Queen

HA Annual Conference 2018 Lecture
Dr Tracy Borman gave the following keynote speech at the HA Annual Conference on 19 May 2018.
Elizabeth I is often portrayed as a ruthless ‘man’s woman’, who derided her own sex – ‘I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman’ – and loved to flirt with the young men at her court. Yet she was born into a world of women and it is her relationships with these women that provide the most fascinating insight into the character of this remarkable monarch.
In this talk, historian, author and Tudor specialist Dr Tracy Borman explored the fascinating relationships that Elizabeth I had with the women who influenced her most. From her scandalous mother, Anne Boleyn, to rivals such as the Grey sisters, and the ‘flouting wenches’ who served her at court, they show the celebrated Virgin Queen in a surprising new light.
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