England from 871 to 1000
Podcasted history: The Anglo-Saxons

From Alfred to Æthelred
In this podcast Professor Sarah Foot of Christ Church College, Oxford, looks at the development of Anglo-Saxon England from 871 to 1000.
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1. What did England look like in 871?
2. How far had this changed by 900?
3. Why do we call Alfred ‘the Great’?
4. Who were Alfred’s models of kingship?
5. Alfred’s children and their military successes.
6. Aethelstan.
7. What sources do we have on Aethelstan?
8. What was the nature of England’s relationship with France and Scandinavia during this period?
9. How do relations with the continent affect change in England?
10. How important was Edgar?
11. Does the nature of kingship and government change between 871 and 1000?
12. Local Government.
13. What should students keep in mind when dealing with this period of history?
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