Owain Gwynedd
Medieval Welsh History

Life and legacy
Owain ap Gruffudd (c. 1100 - 23 or 28 November 1170) was King of Gwynedd, north Wales, from 1137 until his death in 1170, succeeding his father Gruffudd ap Cynan. He was called "Owain the Great" (Welsh: Owain Mawr) and the first to be styled "Prince of Wales".
In this podcast Dr Gideon Brough of Cardiff University discusses the life and legacy of Owain Gwynedd.
1. Introduction to Owain Gwynedd
2. Owain's Rise and King Stephen.
3. Owain, Henry II and Louis VII.
4. Opposing Henry on the battlefield.
5. Diplomacy.
6. Second Letter.
7. Coalition of Welsh armies and victory over Henry.
8. Alliance with France.
9. Death & Legacy.
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