High-quality podcast talks by history experts, all free to HA members.
Britain & Ireland
- Roman Britain
- The Celts
- Post Roman Scotland
- Britain & Ireland 1500 - 800 BC
- Britain & Ireland 800 - 60 BC
- Ancient British and Irish Pagan Religion
- Film: Attic Inscriptions
- An introduction to Ancient Greek Religion
- Alexander the Great
- The Life & Significance of St Peter
- Ancient Greece & Rome: Similarities and Differences
- Greek Comedy
- Ancient Carthage
- Tutankhamun, Howard Carter and the Griffith Institute
- The Neo-Babylonian Empire (626-539 BC)
- Ancient Babylon (1900-619 BC)
- The Hittites & the Hittite Empire (1650-1190 BC)
- Ancient Elam (3200-539BC)