Support your branch: FAQs
Volunteering to help your local branch

Our local branches are all run by volunteers. Joining your local branch committee can be a wonderful way to get more involved with history.
What roles are there within each branch?
Each branch has three formal branch officers: the Chair (or President), the Branch Secretary and the Branch Treasurer.
Alongside those individuals branches need all manner of help: people to help organise the meeting room and meet and greet guests and audiences, people to help promote branch events and to help run branch membership, people to help put the branch programme together and people to encourage others to join in.
Do I need to be a full member of the HA to volunteer for my local branch?
No. We do ask that the treasurer and two other key branch officers are members as they hold money in the branch account in the HA’s name and use our name to invite speakers. But we understand that some individuals are happy to help their branch and to be members of their branch but not to join the national organisation.
Do I need a history degree or a background in history?
No. You just need to enjoy history. The HA’s mission is to encourage everyone with an interest in history to get involved.
How do I find my local branch?
A map of all our branches with details of people to contact can be found here
What if there is no branch near me?
If you are interested in starting a branch in your area please contact or by calling 0300 100 0223.
See also our guide to setting up a branch
How can I become a speaker at branch events?
Find out about joining our speakers list and addressing our branches