The Historian 162: Environment
The magazine of the Historical Association

4 Letters
5 Editorial (Read article)
6 Environmental history and the challenges of the present – Amanda Power (Read article)
12 Art and ecology: making connections across museum collections to educate people about the Earth Crisis – Carla Benzan and Samuel Shaw (Read article)
18 Glacier Tours in the Northern Playground – Christian Drury (Read article)
24 Sensory streetscapes: people and urban environments 1930–1975 – Lucy Faire and Denise McHugh (Read article)
32 Doing history for climate action: the Risky Cities Project at the University of Hull – Briony McDonagh and Hannah Worthen (Read article)
36 Father of the Free French Navy: Thierry d’Argenlieu, Gaullist and Carmelite – Adrian Smith (Read article)
41 The Chinese National Anthem – Derek Ying (Read article)
46 American Vikings past and present: untangling myth from reality – Martyn Whittock (Read article)
54 In conversation with Mark Nicholls – James Sewry (Read article)
60 Real Lives: Henry Allingham and the First World War: a conflict in which the efforts of every man made a difference – Asim Shah (Read article)
63 Ask The Historian
64 My Favourite History Place: Bad Godesberg Tower – Julia Dean (Read article)
68 Reviews
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Cover image: Walkers examine a crevasse on Hardangerjøkulen, 1908. Anders Beer Wilse/Norsk Folkemuseum
Contributions to The Historian: Contributions are welcomed for consideration for possible publication but the HA cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts nor guarantee publication. All enquiries should be sent initially to the Historical Association, 59a Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4JH or email us at: The publication of a contribution by the HA does not necessarily imply the Association’s approval of the opinions expressed in it.
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