Public History
Public history is all around us, it brings together heritage, archives, museums, local history societies, history professionals, and active amateurs. Public history is the engagement with history for different groups and professionals but with a level of expertise outside of the fixed university environment (even though some universities have public history departments). It is all of the staff at the Historical Association and many of its members. It is about acknowledging historical knowledge, employment, need and expertise beyond the lecture theatre and into the every day. The HA has been pivotal in the national debate about the importance of Public History.
Local & Community
- Local and Community History Month
- Download Local History Month Posters
- Public History Courses
- Exploring local sources
- Doing history: The Old Poor Law in a Regency York Parish 1795–1847
- From our branches: The Bristol Branch
- Volunteering in Heritage
- Public History Courses
- Heritage Management & Education
- Research Methods in Heritage, Museums & Galleries
- Out and About: The Parish Armoury in St Mary’s Church, Mendlesham
- Sophisticated living in sub-Roman Britain
Archives & Libraries
- Archives
- Archives and Record Management
- Library and Information Studies
- Librarian CPD
- Research Methods in Heritage, Museums & Galleries
- Short guides to Records