The Kingdoms and Empires of Oyo and Dahomey 1608-1800

In this podcast Dr Toby Green of King's College London looks at the African Kingdoms and Empires of Oyo and Dahomey 1608-1800, in the area that today is Benin and North central Nigeria.
1. What were the origins of Oyo and Dahomey?
2. How did the military power of Oyo and Dahomey develop?
3. How did the political development of Oyo lead to tension?
4. What were the most significant social and economic developments?
5. How was imperial power structured?
6. How important was religion to political power in Oyo and Dahomey?
7. Why did the kingdom of Oyo decline?
8. What was the legacy of the Oyo and Dahomey?
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