Support Us

Support us to support history
As a charity the HA is completely independent of any government or statutory support, so we rely heavily on the work of volunteers (branch officers, workshop leaders and contributors to our publications). We also need donations and legacies to develop new resources and to help ensure everyone can access great history.
There are a number of important ways in which you can support us:
- Become a Member
- Support your local branch
- Write an article for one of our publications
- Make a donation
- Leave us a legacy
- Sponsorship
- Volunteer your time
Become a Member
We are an independent charity largely funded through membership, publishing and events. Your membership also allows us to support continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers, it helps us ensure every young person can study history, helps us support diversity and inclusion in the content and study of history. Your membership helps support our branches whose lively programme of events brings great history to anyone who wishes to become involved. Membership is open to all and subscribing to one of our journals not only furthers your love of history but helps us reach a wider audience.
Volunteer with us
All our publications are edited by volunteers and all our events are run by volunteers. We do not pay workshop leaders, speakers or authors. Over 200 people every year help ensure our branches put on a fantastic programme of events. Our surveys (Primary & Secondary) and research into history in English schools is undertaken on voluntary basis and virtually all the resources on our website have been developed by volunteers. To find out more, contact us on
Find out about joining our Feedback Panel
Make a donation
Donations and legacies help us go that little bit further. Through donations we have been able to provide a travel fund for students in hardship to enable them to join the Great Debate and other similar events. Donations help us develop resources for schools and can help us support schools who might achieve the Quality Mark but don’t have funds. Donations mean we can keep various events running at little cost and help us work towards truly ensuing history for all.
- Donate to the HA by calling 0300 100 0223
- Donate online via our Virgin Money Giving page
Leave us a legacy
Anyone can include a legacy to the Historical Association in their will and it does not have to be for a lot of money. Some people leave us specific gifts of money, while others choose to leave us the residue of their estate once family and friends have been looked after. Whether you give £200 or £20,000, every penny counts.