An introduction to ‘History’, the journal of the HA

The Journal of the Historical Association
History is the Journal of the Historical Association. First published in 1912, History has been a leader in its field ever since. It is unique in its range and variety, packing its pages with stimulating articles, extensive book reviews, and editorial notes. History balances its broad chronological coverage with a wide geographical spread of articles featuring contributions from social, political, cultural, economic and ecclesiastical historians. An integral part of each issue is the review section giving critical reviews of the latest scholarship.
All past editions of History are accessible as full journals or as articles (hosted by Wiley Online Library).
The online editions and articles can be accessed for free by all HA members.
- Read a free sample issue (Wiley Online Library site)
- Browse our archive (HA website) – back to Issue 325 from January 2012
- Browse all past editions (Wiley website) – right back to Issue 1 from April 1916.*
- Contribute an article
- Read the History journal blog
* To access History content:
1. Sign in to the HA website (top right of any page)
2. Then click this link to allow access to History content on the Wiley site.