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  • Save on HA Membership – join with other schools in your MAT

    News Item

    At the HA, we know that budgets are tight and being able to afford access to the best CPD, guidance and support is increasingly difficult. We are here to help. If you are part of a Multi-Academy Trust or federation, or soft federation of local authority schools, you can save money on...

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  • Save on HA Membership – join with other schools in your MAT

    News Item

    At the HA, we know that budgets are tight and being able to afford access to the best CPD, guidance and support is increasingly difficult. We are here to help. If you are part of a Multi-Academy Trust or federation, or a soft federation of local authority schools, you can save money...

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  • 100 not out: the Nuneaton branch centenary

    31st January 2019

    For the 2018–19 season, the Nuneaton Branch of the HA is celebrating its centenary. Founded in 1919, by 1921 there were 78 members. In 1924, members went on a ‘charabanc’ tour of Leicestershire churches, ending at Fenny Drayton, where they joined in the celebrations for the tercentenary of the birth...

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  • 2019 Medlicott Medal for services to history

    31st January 2019

    We are delighted to announce that the 2019 Medlicott Medal will be awarded to Professor Dame Janet L. Nelson – better known to all as Jinty. Jinty is a distinguished scholar of early medieval Europe and an influential figure to many historians. Her research has explored ideas of kingship and...

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  • 20th anniversary of 9/11 – a personal reflection

    1st September 2021

    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing as the news began to reach me about there being a terrorist attack in the United States. It didn’t seem real and if I hadn’t been working in Westminster where these things are taken very seriously, I might not...

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  • 60th anniversary of JFK's assassination

    1st November 2023

    If my generation all remember where they were when the aeroplanes, hijacked by terrorists, flew into the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001, then my parents' generation all knew where they were when they heard about the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. Before the conspiracy theorists and the...

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  • 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King's ‘I have a dream’ speech

    5th September 2023

    At the end of last month (August) it was the 60th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, made during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom held on 28 August 1963. The racism in the US at the time included segregation...

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  • 70 years – 70 ‘things’ that tell our story - project update

    24th August 2022

    Would you nominate the laptop computer or the mobile phone? Is it an image of the Maze Prison or of a map of Berlin that you would include on your list as objects that tell the story of the last 70 years? The Historical Association is putting togethera collection of...

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  • 80th anniversary of D-Day

    1st June 2024

    It is 80 years since D-Day, the Allied invasion of Western Europe – an invasion that was about liberation for many, not simply attack. To understand why that day, and just as importantly the days and weeks following it, are so important one needs to know just how terrible the...

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  • A Guide to Oral History for Schools and Youth Groups

    6th June 2018

    The Oral History Society's Schools and Young People Group has developed A Guide to Oral History for Schools and Youth Groups. This important set of resources is designed to support teachers and anyone working with young people on oral history projects. Oral history is a living history of everyone’s unique life experiences, and so is...

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  • A milestone for HA membership

    19th March 2021

    We're delighted to share the incredible news that as of end February 2021 the HA has over 10,000 members. That figure includes both individual and school or organisational members covering multiple members of staff, and means that really many thousands more teachers, students and general history lovers are now members...

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  • All Quiet on the Western Front

    2nd February 2023

    The new film version of the German classic All Quiet on the Western Front has reopened the debate around the futility of war once more. The film is based on the German writer Erich Maria Remarque’s book, which draws on his experiences of serving in the German forces during the...

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  • Annual General Meeting 2024

    10th April 2024

    Thank you for being a member of the Historical Association. Your membership is what enables the HA to continue supporting the teaching, learning and enjoyment of history at all levels, for generations to come. As part of our membership community you are important in shaping the development of the association,...

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  • Apology: Move Me On, TH185 

    17th January 2022

    The Historical Association would like to offer an unreserved apology for serious errors of judgement in relation to the Move Me On problem presented within Teaching History 185.   We recognise that the content of this feature has caused offence, that it contained negative stereotypical biases which we failed to recognise and act...

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  • Away from the Western Front launches two national projects

    10th May 2018

    ‘Away from the Western Front’ has launched two national projects and is offering everyone a chance to make a contribution to this First World War centenary commemoration. A National Music project and a Creative Writing Competition are part of the Heritage Lottery funded First World War 'Away from the Western...

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  • BBC Class Clips: ‘ClueTubers’ with Carmel Bones

    19th December 2018

    Education consultant Carmel Bones presents this BBC Class Clips video introducing ‘ClueTubers’ - a suite of films that will help students get to grips with the skills required to investigate historic sites. The video is aimed at GCSE and National 5 History teachers and gives an overview of the ‘ClueTubers’ films and...

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  • Bastille Day

    4th July 2023

    If you couldn’t get excited about the Coronation earlier this year perhaps the trigger for a revolution is more your thing? If so, why not celebrate or commemorate Bastille Day with a little bit of French Revolution reading and listening. Collected here is one of our classic pamphlets as well...

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  • Battle of Arnhem Anniversary

    2nd September 2019

    This September marks the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Arnhem in 1944 - otherwise known as Operation Market Garden. Launched on 17 September, it was an Allied attack to take further parts of Western Europe from Nazi control and continue the push created over the summer. Building on the successes...

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  • Beyond the ‘lady with the lamp’ – celebrating Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday

    3rd March 2020

    This year [2020] will see the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. The anniversary is on 12 May (not very convenient for Women’s History Month in March but I’ll come to that in a moment) and there will be events and talks in her honour. When I was...

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  • Black History Month 2023

    21st September 2023

    October is Black History Month. At the HA we support Black History, diverse histories and the history of all marginalised, minority and discriminated groups all year round. After all, diverse history is all our history. To support those who are interested in using October as a way to focus on...

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