Black History Month 2024

Published: 1st October 2024

All history is equal, as it is all equally in the past – surely? However… we know that is not true, as the past that is given the most coverage or prominence is usually the one that most reflects the views of those that record it. Fortunately, each generation gets an opportunity to explore the past and the narratives that it presents anew, and from that each generation can attempt to provide a better-balanced view or insight into the history that is around us. Months such as Black History Month are part of that rebalancing – that desire to present to audiences a history that is not skewed to one narrative or to reflect one image.

Black History Month enables audiences to access stories and key themes that, while always a part of the past, have not always been part of its telling. The Historical Association works all year round to ensure an inclusive history of peoples whenever possible and supports initiatives that broaden our understanding of history and the histories of those around us. In addition, we enjoy highlighting the stories of the diverse groups in our society that combine to help create the rich experiences of our local, national and global past, especially the stories that are often overlooked.

This year for Black History Month, we want to bring to your attention some resources that are available all year. We also want to focus on a recent story that we published about the Black British singer Mabel Mercer – a woman whose influence can still be felt today and yet most do not even know her name.



Historian - general audience


(All podcasts are accessible to all HA members)