Move Me On 179: Supporting new history teachers in a lockdown
The problem page for history mentors

This issue’s problem: The closure of school buildings (to most pupils) in March this year brought an abrupt end to the normal opportunities for history trainees’ learning in school.
Move Me On is designed to build critical, informed debate about the character of teacher training, teacher education and professional development. It is also designed to offer practical help to all involved in training new history teachers. Each issue presents a situation in initial teacher education/training with an emphasis upon a particular history-specific issue.
See all Move Me Ons
In these circumstances teacher educators of all kinds faced the same problem: how to support history trainees’ continued learning during the Covid-19 crisis. The specific nature of individual trainees’ needs at that point obviously varied, as did the available opportunities for learning and the particular structures of their training programmes. But we know that dedicated and resourceful mentors, subject tutors and trainees found useful ways to go on learning – not just about how to support remote learning, but also about other aspects of effective history teaching.
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