The BBC and British "Soft Power", 1922 to the Present'
Event Type: Branch
Takes Place: 5th March 2025
Time: 7.30pm (doors open at 6.45pm)
Venue: Lecture Theatre B.H05LT on the ground floor of the Humanities Building at the University of Bristol,7 Woodland Road Clifton BS8 ITB
Description: This lecture by Simon Potter looks at one of our national institutions the BBC and its role in Britain's influence around the world
How to book: Please contact Mary Feerick Secretary or 0117 9442898 for further details or use our website
Price: Annual branch membership is £15. Single lectures are £3. All lectures are free to National HA members as well as University of Bristol staff & all students. Guests pay £3 on the door for a single lecture.
Tel: 0117 9442896
Organiser: Mary Feerick
Lecturer: Professor Simon Potter University of Bristol
Comments: This lecture is of general interest but is particularly useful to A level student studying twentieth century British History.
Region: South-West England
Branch: Bristol