Landscape, Ancient Monuments and Memory: Perceptions of the Prehistoric Past in Seventeenth-Century Britain

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 3rd April 2025

Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7pm)

Venue: Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG

Description: This talk explores perceptions of the pre-historic past in seventeenth-century Britain. It considers how reformers and antiquaries understood and explained ancient monuments such as Stonehenge and Avebury, together with the ways in which these sites were the focus for religious and political passions and tensions before, during and after the Civil Wars. It traces how legends and myths about the making of the landscape evolved and the mark that they continue to leave on contemporary understanding of these evocative and mysterious places.

Price: Associate membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.

Tel: 07988 171 708



Organiser: Caroline Jacobs

Lecturer: Professor Alexandra Walsham, Professor of Modern History, Fellow of Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge and President of the Historical Association

Comments: All enquiries to Caroline Jacobs tel: 07988 171 708

Region: South-East England

Branch: Isle of Wight

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