Formidable Dames: The Women Behind, Beside and Beyond the Emperor Nero

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 13th March 2025

Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7pm)

Venue: Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG

Description: The court of emperor Nero was full of influential women – his ambitious mother Agrippina, his long-suffering wife Octavia (and her formidable replacement Poppaea Sabina), and many others. Whilst he ruled as a playboy autocrat, often his decisions and actions were influenced by these women. This talk considers Nero's reign and the women in his court with a look at both contemporary sources and later-day interpretations.

How to book: All enquiries to Caroline Jacobs tel: 07988 171 708

Price: Associate membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.

Tel: 07988 171 708



Organiser: Caroline Jacobs

Lecturer: Dr Carey Fleiner, Senior Lecturer, School of History, Archaeology and Philosophy, University of Winchester

Region: South-East England

Branch: Isle of Wight

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