Has the 2nd World War Burma Campaign ever been a 'Forgotten War'? War?
Event Type: Branch
Takes Place: 7th June 2025
Time: 2 pm
Venue: Allen Room, St Anne's Church, 55 Dean Street, W1D 6AF
Description: Lecture
How to book: To ensure a place, contact Jill Kilsby
Price: free to HA members, £3 visitors
Tel: 07957627783
Email: jillkilsby2012@live.co.uk
Organiser: Jill Kilsby
Lecturer: Dr. Philip G. Woods
Comments: Philip Woods taught at what is now the University of West London, Kingston University, London and New York University in London. He is now retired. His most recent book' Managing the Media in the India-Burma War 1941-1945: Challenging a 'Forgotten War',
Region: London
Branch: Central London