Buckinghamshire Branch Programme

Buckinghamshire Branch Programme 2024-25

Meetings are being held on Wednesdays at 8.00 pm online through Zoom

(excepting the June event which will be in-person)


Admission to meetings is free to full and associate members of the Historical Association.

Visitors and Students WELCOME and donations of £3 appreciated.

Please contact secretary for bank transfer details or post cheque to below


Associate membership of the Branch is £12 for the year from October 2024.

Please pay by standing order, bank transfer (contact for details) or by cheque, payable to Historical Association-Bucks Branch, with the slip below (and s.a.e. if you want a receipt).



To: Terry Bloxham (Hon Secretary), 138 High Street, Aylesbury, HP20 1RB

Tel: 07952 703535      E-mail: secretarybucksha@gmail.com

Please state your name, address and email






16 October 2024

Dr Ariel Hessayon, Head of Department of History, Goldsmiths, University of London

The Early Quakers and the English Revolution, 1641-1660

(preceded by the AGM at 7:35)


20 Nov 2024

Dr Richard J Goodrich, Independent Researcher

Fear and Loathing in the Heavens – How the 1910 Return of Halley’s Comet (almost destroyed Civilisation


18 Dec 2024

Prof Fiona Edmonds, History Department, Lancaster University

Britain and Brittany: contact, myth and history in the early Middle Ages




15 Jan 2025

Dave Roberts, Independent Researcher

Before Bond: Ian Fleming, His Top Secret Commandos & Their Legacy


19 Feb 2025

Stephen Hodkinson, Emeritus Professor of Ancient History, University of Nottingham

Spartan Warriors?: modern myths and ancient realities


19 Mar 2025

Prof Julie V Gottlieb, Department of History, University of Sheffield

The Battle of Cable Street


16 Apr 2025

Prof Martyn Rady, Emeritus Professor of Central European History, UCL

The Hapsburgs: The Making of a Dynasty


21 May 2025

Prof William Doyle, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Bristol

Robespierre and Danton


7, 14 or 21 June 2025

SUMMER Afternoon Event, date TBC. (details will be forthcoming in the year)