HA Branches in the East of England

Branch details by region

Cambridge Branch

Enquiries to Branch President Dr Sean Lang sf_lang@hotmail.com   

Cambridge Branch Programme


Essex Branch

Talks on Saturdays, 2.30pm, Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2XB. Please check the calendar on this website for details.

Visitors and prospective members warmly welcomed - £3, Associate Members fee £10.00 / £15.00 for 2 members at same address.

Branch Contact: Tony Tuckwell 01245 256423  tonytuckwell28@outlook.com   

Website: https://essexbranchha.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/essexha

Twitter: https://twitter.com/essex_ha

Essex Branch Programme


Hertfordshire Branch

Meetings are held at the Backhouse Room, 116 Handside Lane, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6SZ at 3.00pm

Meetings are free for members, £3 for visitors. Associate branch membership £15 per season.

For more information contact Barbara Wiltshire barbarag.wiltshire@btinternet.com or telephone 01438 716020

Hertfordshire Branch Programme


Norfolk & Norwich Branch

Branch Contact: norwichha@gmail.com 

Venue: Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, Castle Hill, Norwich, NR1 3JU

Events/Tours/Walks are currently charged at £5 per event or an annual regional membership fee of £15. 

Norfolk & Norwich Branch Programme