HA Branches in London

Branch details by region

See also Branches in the South East

Central London Branch

For all enquires and for events where pre-booking is required, please contact:

Jill Kilsby MA, MBA, 8 Purley Oaks Road, Sanderstead, Surrey, CR2 ONP

Email: jillkilsby2012@live.co.uk | Tel: 07957 627783

Lectures are free to H.A. Members - £3 Non-Members. Associate Membership: Individual £12.50 Joint Family £20

Lectures start at 2pm on Saturdays at St. Anne’s Church, 55 Dean Street, W1D 6AF, Allen Room, first floor (lift available). 

Bus routes 14, 19, 24, 29, 38, 176 all stop nearby. 

Nearest underground stations are Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus, Tottenham Court Road.

Mainland Rail: Charing Cross Station is a ten-minute walk.

Central London Branch Programme

Ealing Branch

Contact: Branch Secretary: Dr Philip Woods. Tel 0208 579 2174. Email philipgwoods@outlook.com

Meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of each month at Ealing Green Church, W5 5QT, at 7.30pm. Talks are live events but with the speaker’s permission we aim to make a recording available afterwards to those registering on Eventbrite (the booking link will be available one month in advance of each talk and listed on our website:  www.ealinghistory.org.uk)

Branch members (£15 annual fee) and visitors (£5 per talk) students free.

For fuller and up-to-date details: www.ealinghistory.org.uk

Ealing Branch Programme

Hampstead & North West London Branch

All enquiries to Mandy Caller mandycaller@gmail.com or telephone 07818 063594

Meetings are held at 8pm on the third Thursday of the month September to April (excluding December) at Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way, London NW11 6YD. Some lectures are also on Zoom. 

The cost of local membership is £15 (£10 if joining after Christmas), and the visitor fee is £5 per session (not charged to national and local members of the Historical Association).

Hampstead & North West London Branch Programme

North London Branch

Please contact Robert Malleson, Branch Secretary for details at rpmassociates1@aol.com.

All meetings will be held at 8pm at the Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield, EN2 0AJ.

Street parking nearby. Nearest stations Enfield Chase (10 mins walk) and Enfield Town (15 mins).

Non-members welcome (£2 per meeting at Hall). Associate Membership available for £6 a year for an individual or £10 a year for a couple.

North London Branch Programme

Richmond & Twickenham Branch

Enquiries: Richard Turk at richardgturk@yahoo.com or call 07958 729526

Entry to meetings is free for HA members, non-members £2.00 per meeting. Local membership of the Branch is £14.00 per year.

All Meetings begin at 8pm and take place at Richmond Library Annexe, Quadrant Road, Richmond upon Thames, TW9 1DH. Quadrant Road is between Specsavers and Lloyds Bank on the Quadrant.

Richmond & Twickenham Branch Programme