Primary History 66
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Curriculum Planning, Prehistory, Local History...
This edition of HA's Primary History magazine is free to download via the link at the bottom of the page (individual article links within the page are not free access unless otherwise stated). For a subscription to Primary History (published termly), plus access to our huge library of high-quality resources by primary history experts, free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject leaders join the HA today |
04 Editorial
05 The National Curriculum For History From September 2014: The View From Ofsted - Michael Maddison HMI
08 HA Primary News
09 Ideas for Assemblies - Polly Tucknott and Helen Maddison (Read article)
10 Early years foundation stage - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
12 Curriculum planning: How to write a new scheme of work for history - Hilary Pegum and Steve Davy (Read article)
18 The coordinator's role and the 2014 national curriculum for history - Tim Lomas (Read article)
20 Stone Age To Iron Age - Overview And Depth - Francis Pryor, Hilary Morris and Wessex Archaeology (Read article)
32 Churches as a local historical source - Hilary Cooper (Read article)
34 The Great Fire of London - Karin Doull (Read article for free)
43 Using the back cover image: Windmill Hill - A Visual Image Of A Prehistoric Scene - Bev Forrest, Jon Nichol and Dave Weldrake (Read article)
Regular features
Primary History magazine runs a number of great regular features including Ideas for Assemblies, One of My Favourite History Places and our Primary Pull-out Posters. You can view all editions of these features here.
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