The later Middle Ages: Teacher Fellowship programme outcomes

These resources were developed as part of the Historical Association’s inaugural Teacher Fellowship Programme funded by Agincourt 600. The programme was led by Ian Dawson and focused on developing teachers’ knowledge of late medieval history and translating this to the classroom.
Featuring academic input from Professor Anne Curry, Professor Michael Hicks and Dr Dan Spencer, the participants looked at the politics, culture and society of the period and the sources available to medievalists. It became clear that the sophistication of the period was not adequately represented in classroom teaching, with many teachers new to the subject and with limited time and resources.
The following resources are the final outcomes of the programme, written and trialled by the Teacher Fellows to address the needs of students and teachers in the classroom. If you have any questions about these resources, please contact Maheema Chanrai, the Historical Association Education and Events Officer, at
You can read more about the programme and related articles in Exploring and Teaching Medieval History, a guide to the subject which will be published in January 2018. The hard copy will be sent free to secondary schools while the extended online version will be available open-access on this website.
See also:
- Interpreting Agincourt: KS3 Scheme of Work
- Remembering Agincourt - Bilingual enquiry
- Exploring and Teaching Medieval History in Schools (special publication)